Monday 26 September 2011

Configure Thunderbird to Send MobileMe Mail

Thunderbird now appears to automatically configure itself (from an ISP database) with the correct settings for MobileMe SMTP upon initial account setup, but if it does not succeed here is a guide. Apple's support information is dated and inadequate. This guide is tailored to Thunderbird for Windows and based on version 3.1 but should work for other platforms.


  1. 1
    Click on the Tools menu and select "Account Settings...."
  2. 2
    In the Account Settings dialog box, click on the last list item on the left side, Outgoing Server (SMTP).
  3. 3
    On the right side of the dialog box click either the Add button if there is no SMTP configuration currently or the Edit button if there is.
  4. 4
    In the server name field use either smtp.
     In the server name field use either smtp.
    In the server name field use either or depending on whether you want to use an address or an address in the User Name field below it.
  5. 5
    In the Port field type in port 587.
  6. 6
    For Connection security, select STARTTLS.
  7. 7
    For Authentication method, select Normal Password.
  8. 8
    In the User Name field, enter your full email address (paying attention to whether you need to use or based on your previous choice of server names in Step 4).
  9. 9
    Click OK and then OK again and then try to send a message.
  10. 10
    If you have successfully configured SMTP, you should be asked for your SMTP password and then your message should be sent.

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